With 2020 finally in full swing, it’s time to think about not only the future of the year, but the future of your house, and how you can keep it the best it can be during these months, and the warmer ones that follow. Your yard being one of the first things people see when entering is likely a top priority, and if it isn’t yet, it should be! Here are a few ways to keep your yard in good shape and prepare for the coming months/seasons.
Clear It
If you’re not sure, we’ll give you the easiest answer and recommendation to abide by. Yes, things on the yard during the colder months can affect it down the line as well. Yes, you should clear sticks, leaves, and other heavy debris off of the grass. Why? Because even though it’s not bright and green, it should be known that the ground does need to breathe, and a little sunlight every now and again is also good for it!
Tilling Process
Though it’s likely still a bit too early to think about tilling, it is something you should do in areas where you’re either trying to grow grass, plant things, or looking for a bit of improvement in the quality or appearance. Even though you might not be planting immediately, a nice till job can turn soil, add new soil, and help freshen up the area where new plants, vegetables or shrubbery might live. This is important because the nutrients needed for these plants are sometimes hard to come by, as they’re buried under a harder layer (or layers) of soil.
If you’re like many, time is something you don’t always have the luxury of having whenever you want. If this is the case for you, make sure you’ve got a reputable landscaping team by your side to help you achieve the goals you have for your yard this year. After all, curb appeal is everything, and you should have a plan in place soon!
Ambrosio Landscape Solutions has dealt with a number of homes and properties in the New Canaan and Westport areas. Whether you need a custom fixture built ,or you’re just looking for help with maintaining the property, we’re here to help! Give us a call at 203-762-5167! For more tips and tricks, like us on Facebook!
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