Spring Prep Checklist: What You Need To Know

With Spring continuing to inch itself closer this month, it’s time to think about what you need to be doing in order to get your home ready for the warmer months. Unfortunately, time can be hard to come by, and last-minute preparation can yield less than perfect results. To combat this, we’ve created a short list of things to look out for this season in preparation for spring and all that comes with the warmer climate!


Your Grass: Make sure that your grounds have either been aerated or turned where necessary to promote grass growth in specific areas. Dark spots or empty grass areas can be an eyesore — and even more so when it’s halfway through the season and nothing has grown! Doing this early allows you to get a jumpstart on what’s really important — that green!

Flowers: While it’s not as important as grass, you do want to make sure that your bushes and flower arrangements are set up to complement your grass and surrounding trees once the weather is nice enough to promote growth. Make sure to plant these early enough to take advantage of the weather as soon as it’s optimal for them to grow.

Pavers: Now that the snow and salt has washed away, break out a power washer and see if you can’t get a little more grime off of your beautiful pavers. It’s important to keep those clear of debris as they’ll eventually, over time, require more and more work to look presentable if neglected. 

Pool: When the time is right, the cover of the pool comes off and the water begins a regulation process! Keep your chemicals and skimmer nearby to prep the pool for the first hot day — we know you’re eager to dive in!

Stay On It All: It’s easy to do things once and pretend that it’s good to go for the season — but that couldn’t be farther from the truth! Make sure your home is constantly cleaned and checked on to ensure your landscape thrives all season long and you’re ready for a backyard party at the drop of a hat!

Ambrosio Landscape Solutions has dealt with a number of homes and properties in the New Canaan and Westport areas. Whether you need a custom fixture built ,or you’re just looking for help with maintaining the property, we’re here to help! Give us a call at  203-762-5167! For more tips and tricks, like us on Facebook!

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