Outdoor Rinks — Are They For Me?

Whether you’re a parent of an athlete or not, the idea of an outdoor ice rink in the backyard is a dream not many people end up actually going through with. For one reason or another, they talk themselves out of the possibility when actually, the process is a bit easier than they think and a LOT more fun than originally anticipated. If you’re unsure if an outdoor rink is for you, we’ve got a few things that might help make that determination.

Ground Leveling

The most important question is the level at which your land sits. For many, an aggressive slope might be the factor that doesn’t allow a rink to be present — but in other cases for many other owners, a rink is entirely possible! For the most part, flat land does work best, but a very light or gradual grade can be worked with, as long as it doesn’ impede on the way the ice sits. If you’ve got something close to a flat yard, you’re in luck! 


The next most important thing is of course space. However the realistic answer is that any size space will work. Just because you don’t have an NHL-sized rink doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it! A solid section of land is all you need to build something to have fun on — and the more space you have, great! Each project for an outdoor rink varies based on a number of factors — but this one won’t count you out immediately.


The only other thing you might need to have your own rink is time! The reason for this one is because of one thing — maintenance. As the temperatures fluctuate and things melt, freeze evaporate, flood and son on, you’ll need to get out there to make sure it’s ready for the next day of use. Not that this will take you an incredibly long amount of time, but it’s certainly worth noting as it’s important as the other three.

Ambrosio Landscape Solutions has dealt with a number of homes and properties in the New Canaan and Westport areas. Whether you need a custom fixture built ,or you’re just looking for help with maintaining the property, we’re here to help! Give us a call at  203-762-5167! For more tips and tricks, like us on Facebook!

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