At home, there are a number of things you can do in order to improve your property, and most of them don’t require too much time or effort, when thinking about tackling them one by one. Below are a few things you can do in order to keep your property bright and fresh this season!
Create Lush Flower Beds on Your Property
Determine where you want to have the flowers on your lawns to make your home and landscaping look its best. Calling us to schedule an appointment with one of our landscape experts helps you plan out the future look, and how you want to orient it!
Coordinate Your Property’s Paving Stones and Plants
Think carefully about the way that the plants and the paving stones on the lawns coordinate. The proper plants will look perfect along a pathway or near a deck, while other plants may grow over or between the paving stones, leading to an unattractive appearance. Our team works with you to design a custom layout that brings out the most in your home and maximizes space!
Plan Your Property’s Planting to Create a Beautiful Landscape
Learn more about when different types of plants grow or develop blooms so that you can combine flowers that will grow at various times throughout the spring to autumn seasons. In addition, consider the full height and width of the plants to avoid obscuring certain parts of your home or its landscaping elements.
Ambrosio Landscape Solutions has dealt with a number of homes and properties in the New Canaan and Westport areas. Whether you need a custom fixture built ,or you’re just looking for help with maintaining the property, we’re here to help! Give us a call at 203-762-5167! For more tips and tricks, like us on Facebook!
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